
Lawmakers Got the Message: Vouchers are Bad Policy

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Governor Lee has officially declared that his proposal to drain taxpayer dollars from local schools and send them to private schools has no path forward this year. TEA President Tanya T. Coats said this in response to lawmakers’ choice to abandon the proposal and stand up for Tennessee families:


“90% of Tennessee’s students are educated in public schools, and today is a great day for them and their parents. On behalf of our students, I want to thank the legislators who stood strong for our state’s children. I also want to thank the thousands of Tennesseans, including their local elected officials, who were moved to speak out against the governor’s proposal, and who I’m sure would do it all again in a heartbeat. We’ve seen a lot of bad voucher policies passed around the country, and none of them have lived up to the promise of benefitting parents and students. I hope that next year when folks return to the capital, we focus on good policy that will ensure great public schools in every neighborhood because that is what parents and students ultimately want.”