

STEA is one of the nation's largest state affiliates for students preparing to teach. Membership is open to students enrolled in any Tennessee college or University. Through its affiliation with the Tennessee Education Association (TEA) and the National Education Association (NEA), our student program leads tomorrow's teachers to a bright professional future. STEA adds to your formal education by providing life lessons about salaries, contracts, competency testing, evaluation, discipline, certification requirements and more.


Join the 60,000 other students across the nation as part of NEA's student program (NEA-SP) as a member of STEA today. There are over 3 million teachers, education support professionals and students just like you waiting to welcome and support you. Plus during your first year of teaching and regular NEA membership, you'll be eligible to receive a rebate of $20 for each year you were a student member.


Access the 2024-25 STEA Handbook

To find out more, contact TEA's Instructional Advocacy.


Join STEA now!



  • President – Darcey Brown, UT Martin
  • President-Elect – Vacant
  • Secretary – Vacant
  • West TN Vice President – Janeeka Turner – University of Memphis
  • Middle TN Vice President – Janae Butler – Tennessee State University
  • East TN Vice President – Vacant
  • At-Large Member – Vacant