Note the citation of the section of law you're looking for, click on the TCA link below, then follow the directions for locating Chapter 49, Education.
Tennessee Code Annotated (TCA)
Alternative education programs TCA 49-1-207
Athletics use of school time TCA 49-6-1002
Bus drivers -- physicals TCA 49-6-2108
Career ladder TCA 49-5-5002
Charter schools TCA 49-13-101
Bargaining units TCA 49-13-118
Leaves to teach in TCA 49-13-117
Class size maximum TCA 49-1-104 and TCA 49-6-3110
Commissioner powers and duties TCA 49-1-201
Conflicts of interest/furniture etc. TCA 49-6-2003
Business transactions/sealed bid TCA 49-6-2003(b)
Conflicts of interest/other interests TCA 12-4-101
Corporal punishment TCA 49-6-4103
Rules TCA 49-6-4104
Director of schools TCA 49-2-301
Access to personnel files TCA 49-2-301(b)(1)(BB)
Assignment of teachers TCA 49-2-301(b)(1)(L)
Hiring, etc. TCA 49-2-301(b)(1)(EE)
Non-tenure dismissals TCA 49-2-301(b)(1)(GG)
Recommendation of tenure TCA 49-2-301(b)(1)(J)
Transfer of teachers TCA 49-5-510
Year-to-year contracts TCA 49-2-301(b)(1)(FF)
Duty-free lunch TCA 49-1-302(e)(1)
Early Childhood/Pre-K TCA 49-6-101
Education records evidence TCA 49-50-1501
Employment basics TCA 49-5-101
Advocating revolution TCA 49-5-202
Agriculture programs TCA 49-5-416
Application TCA 49-5-406
Assignment TCA 49-5-401
Background checks TCA 49-5-413
Blind or visually limited TCA 49-5-107
Board members prohibited TCA 49-2-203(a)(1)(D)
Concerted activities TCA 49-5-603
Contracts TCA 49-5-408
Duties of teachers TCA 49-5-201
Evaluation of teachers TCA 49-5-5202
Rule 0520-2-1
Injuries from violent criminal acts TCA 49-5-714
Injury to student/prosecution for TCA 49-6-4105
Leave TCA 49-5-701 et seq.
Leave for TEA president TCA 49-5-715
Loyalty oaths TCA 49-5-405
Medications/student needs TCA 49-5-415 TCA 49-5-414
Moonlighting TCA 49-5-410
Non-renewal/notice TCA 49-5-409
Physical exam TCA 49-5-404 TCA 49-2-203(b)(2)
Resignation TCA 49-5-411
Extended contracts TCA 49-5-5206
Grading uniformed system TCA 49-6-407
Hazing TCA 49-2-120
Home schools TCA 49-6-3050
Instructional Day-School calendar TCA 49-6-3004
Jury duty TCA 22-1-101
Occupational exemption TCA 22-1-103(a)(3)
Kindergarten-minimum program TCA 49-6-201
License revocation TCA 49-1-201(c)(14)
TCA 49-1-607
TCA 49-5-108(d)(2)
Rule 0520-2-4-.01(9)
Local board defined TCA 49-1-103
Local board executive committee TCA 49-2-206
Local board powers and duties TCA 49-2-203
Tenure granted TCA 49-2-203(a)(1)
Non-renewal hearings TCA 49-2-203(b)(8)
Merger of school systems rights TCA 49-5-203
Period of silence or prayer TCA 49-6-1004
Personal and professional leave TCA 49-5-711
Planning time TCA 49-1-302(e)(2)
Pledge of Allegiance TCA 49-6-1001
Principals TCA 49-2-303
Probationary teachers/non-renewal TCA 49-5-409
Probationary teachers/abolition of position TCA 49-5-409(c)
Probationary teacher dismissal TCA 49-2-301(b)(1)(GG)
Public records and exceptions TCA 10-7-503
Confidential records TCA 10-7-504
Denial/remedy TCA 10-7-505
Reduction in force TCA 49-5-511(b)
Preferred list TCA 49-5-511(b)(3)
Religious liberty students TCA 49-6-2901
Rights TCA 49-6-2904
Religious liberty teachers TCA 49-6-8001
Rights TCA 49-6-8004
Safe schools TCA 49-1-214
Sex education TCA 49-6-1005
School audits TCA 49-2-112
School counselors TCA 49-5-302 TCA 49-6-303
School term TCA 49-6-403
School visitors TCA 49-2-303(b)
Criminal/civil penalties TCA 49-6-2008
Sick leave TCA 49-5-710
Physician's certificate TCA 49-5-710(a)(7)
Sick leave bank TCA 49-5-801
Smoking on school property TCA 39-17-1604(6)
Giving to minors TCA 39-15-408
State board of education powers TCA 49-1-302
Student activity funds TCA 49-2-110
Student discipline TCA 49-6-4101
Student discipline codes TCA 49-6-4012
Student criminal acts/notice by parent TCA 49-6-3051
Student offenses reporting TCA 49-6-4301
Student searches TCA 49-6-4201
Defense of personnel by system TCA 49-6-4211
Zero tolerance TCA 49-6-4216
Student suspension/expulsion TCA 49-6-3401
Student uniforms TCA 49-1-302(j)
Support personnel/employment TCA 49-2-301(b)(1)(EE)
Year-to-year contracts TCA 49-2-301(b)(1)(FF)
Dismissal TCA 49-2-301(b)(1)(GG)(i)
TEA Code of Ethics TCA 49-5-501(3)(D)
Tenure definitions TCA 49-5-501
Breach of contract TCA 49-5-508
Dismissal grounds TCA 49-5-511(a)
Dismissal hearings TCA 49-5-512
Dismissal review by court TCA 49-5-513
Eligibility TCA 49-5-503(2)
Loss by age TCA 49-5-507
Changing employers TCA 49-5-509
Probation TCA 49-5-504
Testing graduation requirements TCA 49-6-6001
Truth in reporting whistle blowing TCA 49-50-1401
Value-added assessment TCA 49-1-603
Teacher effects TCA 49-1-606
Waiver of school fees TCA 49-2-114
Weapons on school property TCA 39-17-1309
Affirmative defense TCA 39-17-1310
Carry permits TCA 39-17-1351