The Executive Committee is created by Article VIII of the TEA Constitution. By virtue of office, the president is chairperson. The vice president ex officio serves on the committee with voting rights. In addition to these ex officio members, the Constitution requires the Board of Directors to elect three additional members of the Board to serve a one-year term. The duties of the Executive Committee are defined in Article VIII of the TEA Bylaws.
By action of the 1979 TEA Representative Assembly, the Executive Committee is also to serve as the trustee of the Don Sahli-Kathy Woodall Scholarship Fund. The specific duties in respect to this fund are to:
- Periodically review the contributions to the Don Sahli-Kathy Woodall Scholarship Fund
- Review the policy of investments of the scholarship fund from which interest is derived to create scholarships
- Determine policy by which scholarships are awarded
- Make any other recommendations to the Representative Assembly or staff which are beneficial to the administration and functioning of the scholarship fund
Staff Liaison: