
Committees and Commissions

TEA Committees and Commissions are either standing Association Committees (created by the Board of Directors), committees of the Representative Assembly (stipulated by the Constitution and Bylaws), or Elected Committees (called for in the TEA Constitution).  The Instruction and Professional Development Commission is the one commission established by the TEA Representative Assembly.  [Ad hoc committees are created to address a specific topic of concern within a designated period of time.]


Committee appointments are subject to annual review.  With the approval of the Board of Directors, the president names all committee and commission members except for the Executive Committee and the Budget Committee, which are elected by and from the board.


Association Commitees:

Racial and Social Justice Committee
Membership Committee
Operations and Rules Committee
State Board of Education Contact

Elected Committees:
Executive Committee

Budget Committee

AnchorRepresentative Assembly Committees:
Credentials Challenge
Memorial Recognition
NEA-RA Concerns
AnchorAssociation Commission:
Instruction and Professional Development