TEA's Members' Assistance Program (MAP) is for members only! Because everyone has problems... because sometimes those problems get out of control...because there are times we need special support that families and friends cannot give, TEA has developed a very special service.
MAP offers comprehensive assistance to members, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The program is free and services are completely confidential. Whether you face emotional or marital difficulties, substance abuse or troubled teens, eating disorders or grief, services are available to help you when and where you need it.
Call anytime...
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Counselors are ready to help you assess your problem and provide guidance and direction. They refer you to agencies and care providers located near you that are financially compatible with your individual circumstances. They provide follow-up services as well.
From your first call throughout the process, your case is strictly confidential! So, don't face tough problems alone. Help is as close as your telephone through TEA's Members' Assistance Program.