Board of Directors
The Board of Directors serves as the executive body of the Association and consists of the TEA president, vice president, fifteen TEA classroom teacher district board members, three administrators elected at-large, three Black classroom teachers elected at-large, one new teacher member elected at-large; a higher education classroom teacher member elected at-large, an active education support professional elected at-large, the president of the Student Tennessee Education Association, and the state NEA directors.
* Indicates Executive Committee
Board Districts
TEA Fund for Children and Public Education (TEA-FCPE) Executive Council
Chairperson: Tanya T. Coats | Vice Chairperson: Joe Crabtree | Treasurer: Terrance Gibson | District 1: James Westley Harris |
District 2: Vacant | District 3: Vacant | District 4: Sherry Morgan | District 5: Melanie Stinnett |
District 6: Amy Smith | District 7: Vacant | District 8: Caryce Leaders | District 9: Amy Flatt |
District 10: Janolyn King | District 11: Wilson Boyd | District 12: Stefi Outlaw | District 13: Paige Neil |
District 14: Jessica Minton | District 15: Dhawn Buchanan |