Who We Are

Who We Are

We are the state's largest professional organization representing tens of thousands of elementary and secondary teachers, school administrators, education support professionals, higher education faculty, and students preparing to become teachers.

TEA actively protects and advocates for our students, our profession, and our members to create great public schools that prepare everyone for success in a global society. Our work centers around our core values: democracy, equal opportunity, a just society, strong profession, partnerships, and advocacy and collaborative action.

TEA leaders are teachers, administrators, and education support professionals who work in Tennessee public schools every day. They represent educators, students, and communities across Tennessee. TEA members elect association representatives; local, state and national officers; and delegates to both...
The Board of Directors serves as the executive body of the Association and consists of the TEA president, vice president, fifteen TEA classroom teacher district board members, three administrators elected at-large, three Black classroom teachers elected at-large, one new teacher member elected at...
The TEA President appoints committees required to operate the TEA Representative Assembly and recommends to the TEA Board of Directors appointees to board-authorized committees for the purpose of providing direction regarding association priorities and programs. Each person serving on a TEA...
Although the $2 million Educator Employment Liability (EEL) policy offers valuable liability coverage, educators often need help with other job-protection matters. UniServ directors, TEA’s field staff, are the front-line defense team for Association members. As full-time trained professionals...
Stay informed as we bring you breaking news, insightful articles, and inspiring stories that shape the landscape of education in Tennessee. From legislative updates to innovative teaching practices, this is your hub for staying connected with the impactful work TEA is doing and the dynamic world of...
Media inquiries should be directed to Alex Smirnov ( asmirnov@tnea.org).