
TEA Tips for Crushing Your Evaluation

Even for the most experienced of teachers, observations can rattle nerves and throw a teacher off her A-game. TEA’s Instructional Advocacy team, who are experts on the evaluation models used across the state, have prepared extensive resources exclusively for TEA members.

In addition to the tips shared below on how to crush your observations, TEA’s evaluation resources also include insight on how to prepare for pre- and post-conferences and guidance on grievance procedures.


During the observation:


  • Post lesson objectives and state standards and ensure your lesson plans are available for the observer.
  • Ensure that standards and objectives are communicated throughout the lesson.
  • Be aware of diversity in your classroom and utilize practices that respect and recognize culturally responsive teaching.
  • Engage students in meaningful reflection in their personal work and support students through instructional scaffolding.
  • Differentiate instruction to meet individual students’ needs.
  • Communicate expectations and ensure directions are clear and concise.
  • Consistently provide feedback whether verbal, written, or a sequence of both.
  • Implement high quality activities throughout the lesson that reinforce multiple avenues of problem solving and promote inquiry.
  • Structure content so that it is personally meaningful to students.
  • Allow students choice by which they demonstrate mastery.
  • Use technology to provide students the opportunity to interact with context (i.e., labeling diagrams, completing virtual experiments, interactive response).